
Spearhead, 1976–1977 The band members were :Arie Janssen (solo guitar), Ruud Zimmerman (†) (bass guitar), Roy Janssen (†) (drums) and Wim van den Boom (rhythm guitar). The band only played their own work, with Wim writing almost all the songs. The music can best be described as a mix of pop/rock and New Wave, the music style that became popular in the early 80s. All this instrumental, because unfortunately they can't find a suitable singer. The band has never performed, but during rehearsals it is busy with admirers, including musicians. The band doesn't have a name either, but Ruud regularly mentioned the name Spearhead. Unfortunately, the band stops about 1 year after its formation. Here are a number of photos that were taken during the rehearsals in café / party hall De Kroon in Bergen op Zoom.

            Ruud playing Fender Jazz bas                                       Wim Gibson SG and Arie  Gibson Les Paul        Roy op 'dubbel' Asba drum kit